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Membership Plans

Select the membership plan that suits your travelling needs best.


For the occasional Traveller

20% discount
First year
US$35 Member visit fee
US$35 Guest visit fee


For the frequent Traveller

Annual fee
Full fee equivalent to
ALL FREE Member visits
US$35 Guest visit fee
Free delivery included. Access to lounges is subject to space availability. Pre-book is available at select locations for a small fee. Log in to reserve your space in the lounge.
*This recommendation is determined by analysing various factors, including the annual fee of each membership plan, the number of free Member visits included in the relevant membership plan, the applicable Member visit fee, and the intended number of Member visits per year. It is intended to be helpful and offered in good faith for the convenience of customers. It is not intended to guarantee the customer any savings, and the customer is solely responsible for evaluating, selecting, and determining whether a membership plan is fit for particular purpose and suitable for the customer’s use.