운영 시간
06:00 - 20:00 daily Note: Hours may vary according to flight schedules. During peak times it is expected this lounge will see an increase in the number of guests. Therefore, access may be periodically restricted due to space constraints.
06:00 - 20:00 daily Note: Hours may vary according to flight schedules. During peak times it is expected this lounge will see an increase in the number of guests. Therefore, access may be periodically restricted due to space constraints.
Airside - after Security, turn left and walk through the Duty Free Shops. The lounge is located on the right hand side.
예정된 항공편 출발 4시간 전부터 이용할 수 있습니다. - 카드 소지자당 만 12세 미만의 어린이 한 명이 무료로 입장할 수 있습니다. - 복장 규정이 적용됩니다(입장 시 신발 및 셔츠 착용 필수).