Opening Hours
06:00 - 20:00 daily. Hours may vary according to flight schedules. During peak times it is expected this lounge will see an increase in the number of guests. Therefore, access may be periodically restricted due to space constraints.
06:00 - 20:00 daily. Hours may vary according to flight schedules. During peak times it is expected this lounge will see an increase in the number of guests. Therefore, access may be periodically restricted due to space constraints.
Airside - the lounge is located at the entrance of Terminal C. Pass through Security Check Point B, turn left and walk towards Terminal C until you see the 'The Lounge' sign. Take the lift to the third floor (please press 3R).
Access is permitted 4 hours prior to scheduled flight departure - One child under 12 years admitted free per cardholder - Dress code applicable (shirts and shoes required for entry).